Yes, I still contribute to the blog, albeit fleetingly. I am barely hanging on here people. I know that I have family and friends who are seasoned multitasking mothers, but I am just hitting my prime. I feel that my existence, the peaceful and organized one I envision, is teetering on a precipice at any given moment. It just takes one little thing out of its zen-ful place to push me over the edge....then the world comes to an end. For instance, Fletcher went ahead and contracted RSV long after the average infant would this year, and added in a double ear infection to boot. Well luckily we avoided the hospital, but he required Q6 (thats every six hours for you non-medicine types) nebulizer treatments, antibiotics, and was out of school for 4 days. Well this rocked my world, my whole concept of good and evil was forever altered. You try managing a sick kid when you are a fellow (doctor speak for indentured servant) with no sick days or vacation days because they were zapped when the baby made his first appearance. Throw in a busy, loveable, but generally clueless husband, and you have a recipe for sleep deprivation and major melt downs. But I'm here, the kids are healthy. Mother's day was peaceful, I rode my bike, watched my TV shows undisturbed and had mexican food for dinner....booo ya