July was a great month, right up until the end. After a fabulous 4th of July weekend (see above), we headed out to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. This trip was about 2 years in the making. We organized a trip with our bestest friends - the Other Joneses, and the Ledfords, long time friends of Rob from his college days. We headed out to Corolla, NC to a big beach house. The weather was awesome, hot and humid, which afforded long lazy days spent at the beach and in the pool. We did a lot of relaxing, which is hard to do on vacation for Rob. But all of us cached in on much needed daily naps in between trips to the beach and awesome fresh seafood dinners. Floyd had a hard time with the beach,the waves namely, on the first day, but as the trip went on we could not get him out of the pool. Fletch on the other hand is a fish, he loves the water. He successfully sealed the deal on an nickname during the trip too, meerkat. He would pull himself up and screech all the time like a meerkat. We plan on going back again soon, maybe next year. And then the rest of the month.... Rob headed out on a man-venture on July 24th for some man time adventure in the high uintahs. I was hanging with my monkeys, trying to entertain them and maintain sanity in the house. Well next thing I know, there was a crash, and a screaming meerkat. I found a lamp on the ground next to him, but could not find a mark on him. He cried for a few minutes but seemed all right. Later on I noticed he wasn't stuffing food into his face with his left hand, a usual two handed event for the meerkat. I took him into the ER and sure enough, he is a poster child for greenstick fractures of the radius and ulna. He is happy enough, you would never know he was even hurt. It was my first failure as a mother, guilt.