A few big events have happened over the last few weeks. 1. Erica moved to Florida! It has been eight fast years since we started medical school, and now she and many of my other friends have finished their residencies and are moving on with their careers, while I still have 3 more. I always say education is a great way to avoid responsibility.

2. After successfully raising over $750 between the two of us, Rob and I did our first 100 mile bike ride of the season at a smoking pace of 5 hours and 30 minutes. However it also marked a milestone for Rob, he is beginning to question his mortality. He is finally feeling the pangs of aging, and realizes he cannot bounce back as quickly as he used too. I think he is just stressed because his birthday is this week. He will be 36! I don't know that I have really come to terms with my age yet. I am just now realizing i am getting wrinkles and "crows' feet" around my eyes. I have somehow been happily living with the delusion that I am still 27.
The last big event was Floyders getting sick. It was bound to happen sometime. Nothing major, mind you, just an upper respiratory infection, or as those of us in the biz call it, a U.R.I. He has been running a little fever, coughing, and has had liquid gold pouring from his nose. He was still up for pool time though.
You sure have avoided the Time Clock work force. You look like a scene from star wars in you bike jerseys. You were flying at 5 1/2 hours. Can't wait to see the floyd man...
Welcome to aging. It sucks. No escaping it as we have found. Sorry Floyd does not feel good. That is one other thing you cannot escape. See you soon.
Hope Floyd is getting better! It was great to hang with him on Sat, being sick and all. I loved every minute of it. Give him a kiss for me :)
Lauren I found you again! Floyd's adorable! Very cool in the shades too! We have a blog now, my sister's got me up and running. Looks like life is treating you well! Talk to you later....
He doesn't look that old! I just got myself a road bike. I am quite liking my new toy! Where did you guys do your century ride?
This is great info to know.
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