Well we made it to San Diego and had a good time. We were able to see some old friends, have some nice meals, a few massages, and hit the beach. Floyd loved the beach and wanted to follow dad into the ocean.

Our last day we were able to hit the Zoo. Floyd loved it, but I believe he preferred people watching to the animals. We made it home Sunday night without incident at the airport. Monday night I noticed a few small red spots on the dude's belly. I thought they were scratches or something because the boy could use a manicure. Tuesday morning the same thing. I got him ready for school and that was that. A few hours into my work day I got a call from Floyd's school, reporting that they noticed some red spots on his belly. I told them I had seen them but rationalized that perhaps they could be bites of some kind as we had been to the beach a few days before. As if acknowledging that your child may have fleas is a normal thing. I had to work late that night, so when I came home the dude was already asleep in his frog jammies. The next morning when I was getting ready it was obvious that the rash was worse. Again my first thought was sand fleas, there was an infestation in floyd's crib or something. I snapped a few photos and sent them to my dad. FLoyd had been on antibiotics for an ear infection for about 1 week. Turns out after a trip to the doctor, he is allergic to penicillin. I guess that is better than fleas right?
Bummer... PCN is such a good drug. Maybe he'll grow out of it??
Yep, That's an allergic reaction.
i still think it might be fleas...
Good thing it's just PCN. When I read Flea I thought oh no, she must still be carrying something from that live in experience in England!!!
Reading that story reminded me of Rhyl, Wales and the "real" fleas we had and buying flea powder. Emily is allergic to penicillin too, same thing happened to her about the same age! Glad he's okay.
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