We are all getting ready for spring. Floyd loves the warm weather and playing outside with rocks. Rob is also getting ready for spring and summer camping. He bought his dream tent-trailer complete with a stereo and solar panels for back-up power. I tried to tell him that my main memory of tent-trailers involved poker games in the Rasmussen's garage, and truth and dare in the Thomson's trailer. No good can come of this. But his memories involve Griswald-type vacation memories with his family traveling cross country to Disneyland, camping all the way.

We are adjusting the the dude becoming more opinionated and increasing dexterity. He has learned the the toilet can be loads of fun, on the level of the dog bowl. Mornings have been a little crazy over the last few weeks too now that Rob has started a home workout regimen too...P90X! He asks me everyday if I can tell the difference. He poses in the mirror several times a day and asks me if he looks skinny or fat. He is worse than any girl I have met.
And with spring comes board examinations. For the next several weeks, up until May 31st, a majority of my days and a smattering of evenings will be allotted to preparing for my oral board examinations. We are lucky that my mom is around to play with Floyd on the late nights where Rob and I are not able to pick him up from school. He loves to play with grammy b's kitties. Floyd is also moving up in school, from the Waddlers to the Toddlers. No more sleeping in a crib at school, he gets his own cot. He loves to brush his teeth and hair too. Soon he will be off to college!
Oh my goodness!!!!! I can't believe how old he is getting. He is going to be in with my cousin Corie's class soon. I'm so excited for him and you also. Oh how I miss Floyd!!
They change so fast! He is still so sweet and handsome!
I love my Floyd man.
He IS growing fast! Hopefully they won't tease him too much in college with his binkie strapped to his shirt!
Good luck studying - I hope you get through it ok!
Thank you for complying with my demands. Thanks for the Floyd et al. updates. I miss you guys!
He is so dang cute. I love his little hat. I just can't believe how big he is getting.
Oh and if you want more pacifier clips let me know. I made about a zillion for my little guys and lets just say I only need about 1/2 that.
I'm doing P90X too. It's a good one. Mitch is convinced he is a fat man too, and examines himself in the mirror daily...
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