The stress of it all! I finally completed my board exam. After several months of study, and worry. I made it to Louisville Kentucky and took the test. I kept it cool for the build up, and through the test, then unleashed the pregnancy-amplified deluge of emotions on poor Rob on the way home from the airport. I would hope to blame most bonehead moves for the past five months and the four more to follow on pregnancy related brain. Like when I booked my airline ticket for my test one month in advance, then realized the day before I was to leave that I reserved flights for "St. Louis, Missoura"instead of Louisville, Kentucky. Pregnant brain saw the "Louis" and thought, wow I am getting a sweet deal on a direct flight to Louisville. The rest of my classmates are suckas!

In other bigger, more important news, I am 20 weeks pregnant and officially having another boy-LLOYD Jones. Floydee doesn't yet grasp the magnitude of my incredibly growing belly and behind. But alas a rude awakening will arrive in October. He continues to blossom into a unique little dude. He says Mommy and Daddy, and dog.

On the Rob -oh so many hobbies and methods of time suckage-front. We finally did something about the bees buzzing around our deck. Turns out a hive of spanish honeybees had taken up residence in the stucco around our balcony. After interviewing a bunch of beekeepers, and investing in the eminent publication, "Beekeeping for Dummies," Rob decided he should rescue said bees and take-up beekeeping. A contractor/beekeeper came over and cut a whole in our wall revealing thousands of busy bees. He transferred them to a hive which will now reside behind our garage.

The dude's latest nickname is Bluto, of Animal House fame as he will pour any liquid on his chest prior to imbibing.

To keep my sanity with months away from my bike, Rob got me a cruiser. And I got a little seat for the dude where he rides in the front. He loves it, and I get to cruise around the neighborhood.
That's the buzz. Wish me luck on the results of the boards eh.
You did great on your boards, Exciting news from the Jones family, I hope to get my hands on that dude soon...
CONGRATS!! There is no better feeling than finishing a boards test - except getting the passing score envelope in the mail, of course.)
We're excited for little Lloyd, and to see you soon!
We love bees and Michael's a pro. Feel free to ask if you have any beekeeping questions =). Michael had a pretty serious allergic reaction about 2 months ago when he got stung while at his parents' hive. He was bummed, since he's been stung 100s of times and never had a reaction. Good luck with your hive. We'll have to stop by and see them next time we're in town.
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