Yep, I am behind. I will catch you up.
-Survive Family camping trip ....Check
-Boards ....Check
-Residency ...Check
-Basement Remodel ...Check
-Begin Fellowship ...Check
-Surviving the hot summer, pregnant kind of

My sis and I took my mom to Las Vegas the end of June to celebrate her upcoming 60th birthday. I will be to pregnant in September to undertake any major travel plans, see. We had a great time, despite the 110 degree heat, oh and the cigarette smoke. We did a lot of shopping and hit the swimming pool whenever possible.

Rob had to head home to North Carolina for the 4th of July, so Floyd and I headed up to Rexburg for the annual Whoopee Days Celebration. Our washer and dryer were on the fritz for several weeks as part of our basement remodel. So I packed up the laundry and headed to Rexburg. Hence, the dude did not have a swimming suit for the water park. He played in the fountains until his diaper exploded.

After a month of living in squalor, we finally finished the basement. I was most excited about our new washer and dryer. Grammy B made Floyders a house out of the boxes. It has been good for entertainment indoors, and out of the heat.

It has been a busy summer. We have not had a weekend home since June, but we have managed to have a few adventures. Most recently we went to a cabin in Oakley, Utah with some friends of ours. Rob was excited to take Floydee fishing. He bought a Zebco 3000 for the occasion. The dude landed his first rainbow trout, and he was naked to boot.
great pictures, i love the bum one! it was great to see you over the 4th. hope you are feeling good!
Check out me and Boots's blog often
Looks like you're doing tons for being so preggers! I love all of the pictures, especially the last one of Floyd's cute dimple bum! I don't know how you survived without a working washer and dryer, that would be the end of the world for us! We need to plan a date to come and see you, Rob & Floyd. I don't think Andy's ever met you guys, and we both haven't met Floyd yet! Hope you're doing well. Loves
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