This July marked the beginning of my last year of training as neuroradiology fellow. I am tired. This spring really wore me out, and the lack of vacation for about 5 months didn't help either. July is my favorite time of year because of all the great memories I have of the 4th of July in Rexburg. This year was no exception. However the planning becomes a little more intensive because it is also Rob's birthday on the 5th.

The whole family, and the lizard man went up to Rexburg for a weekend of festivities. I had my dad orchestrate the best birthday gift ever for Rob, one he could not return; an experience of a lifetime.

One of my dad's friends has a few WWII fighter planes, and he let Rob fly this beauty a few times around the Grand Teton.

All of the brother-in-laws went along for the ride, so it was a good thing there were no problems on the flight which included a few barrell rolls.

The other event, which proves I am the most awesome wife was a trip to see Glenn Beck speak in Driggs. Just kidding, we avoided that, and instead Rob and I went to see Wide Spread Panic. A band that I cannot stand, but Rob loves, so I went to complete his weekend.
The boys had an amazing time with the cousins too!