The boys had a little photo shoot the other day at school. I am very pleased with how they turned out. Floydee is just learning to relish posing for pictures, and Fletcher is just mister smiley all the time.

Fletch is 4 months old, and is developing some dexterity, as well as a general preference to have a blanket placed lightly over his face to help him sleep. He survived his vaccinations relatively unscathed, if you call a low grade fever and world record grumpiness a normal reaction.

We have been holding our breath that the boys remain healthy...we have a little vacation planned for next week.
These pictures are super cute, what beautiful boys. Thanks for updating the blog, you know I live for new pics!
Okay that first picture could be us. In fact I might put a side by side comparision of our picture and the jones brothers up on my blog. So sweet, just love those boys.
Very cute, did Floyd get a haircut?
Wow those are great photos! I wish out school photos turned out that good!
Are you kidding? How cute are those pictures . . . send Floyd over to teach Matt some of his charm!
Soooo cute! Miss you and those boys!
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