Another day goes by....another opportunity to watch STARWARS! No really I am watching Attack of the Clones, Episode II as we speak. Rob thinks I have problems but oh well. Well as you can see by the baby count down we are in the waning few weeks. Everyone has there opinions and expertise on the subject. He is going to come early, or He will be past due. Regardless, it is getting close. I had my 36week appointment on Friday. Luckily Rob was able to come too even though he has been swamped with the move to the Death Star hospital. (No I did not make that up, despite my love for STARWARS. It is the new IHC hospital in town.) Everything up to this point had been going well. However when my Doc measured the fundal height, which should roughly correspond to the number of weeks pregnant, I measured 4 weeks small. Which prompted the necessity for another ultrasound, I used my connections to get it done that day. My girls in the Ultrasound department are always willing to help me out. Long story short, My amniotic fluid was normal, the baby is appropriately sized, which means the fundal height discrepancy is likely because the baby is dropping into the pelvis appropriately. But.........we discovered that the baby has unilateral hydronephrosis (an obstructed kidney). This was a major bummer for me to find out, scary more than anything. It is hard to know what I do about what can go wrong. What does this mean for baby Tecumseh? It could resolve after delivery, or it could require several tests, and at the end of the spectrum-surgery. Rob, my friends, family, and Urologist acquaintances assure me that it will probably be just fine, but my anxiety has done nothing but increase.
Meanwhile my friends have rallied behind me to support me. We had a party last night at the Deshazo abode in honor of Roma returning, albeit briefly, from Boston to see her sis and her friends.

Our intern class and medschool was filled with quality people that I know I will call my friends for the rest of my life. The pictures show their character for sure. As you can see Darcie in the middle will be going into GI like Rob. Jen the reserved party animal in the white vest is going to work at the Death Star next year, and well Roma she is in Boston for the time being.

The movie demonstrates her sense of humor and how much she misses Utah, as she demonstrates her Telemarking skills.
I think everything will be just fine.
i have no idea what this diagnosis means but i'm rooting for you all.
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