Curious George was Rob's favorite when he was a kid. I bought him a few books yesterday so that he could start reading to the little dude. He was very serious about it at first, then realized it was a relatively long children's book. He got a little bored with the story and did a little ad-libbing as only Rob could do. Most of which is inappropriate for children. He cracks me up. He always asks me what the dude is doing when he moves around, as if I have a clue!

This is the same guy who when left alone tries to give Porter a massage with our high tech hand-held massager.

Anyway, we are in the final countdown. Mobility is becoming more of an issue. Our house was swarmed with kids on Halloween. We nearly ran out of candy in 1 hour! Josh, Rachel, and Conner came over to help out, and to cruise our street for some candy. I gave Conner a little Range Rover Hotwheel- note in his left hand-. He loves his Aunt Z.
Everything else is coming together. The Baby's room is ready, though Rob thinks it needs more color. He is a nut. I told him that we needed to get our bags packed for the hospital, and he made fun of me because we live 12 blocks away. But I like to be ready.
I was a week PAST due with Ella, and believe it or not, I still hadn't packed my bag. My contractions were two minutes apart (and HARD) and Mitch was scrambling to pack me a bag. And I lived about 4 blocks from the hospital. Such a procrastinator.
Good Luck!
Be ready
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