At his 2 week check up Floyd had gained over a pound to get up to 7 lbs 11 oz. Dad says it is because he is a booby man. Rob's new favorite song to sing to the boy is "Its booby time!"
I ventured out of the house without Floyd for the first time to go to Yoga with Erin. I left dad with a bottle of breast milk. He said the boy chowed down and was ready for more. It was hard to relax during corpse-pose because I imagined Rob pulling his hair out trying to console Floyd without me, but I came home to a peaceful house, with Floyd asleep in daddy's arms. Rob insists that he has mad skills with the boy. He likes to crank up Radiohead and dance with Floyd in front of the Christmas tree.
We still have not learned how to effectively combat the sniper; Floyd peeing on us at every diaper change. I think he waits for the freedom of being without the diaper to open the flood gates. At least we know his kidneys are working (see earlier posts).
He is so amazing to stare at, as you can see "Grammy B" doing above. He has great facial expressions, likely inherited from mom, and a furrowed brow likely inherited from dad.

Watch for Floyd's first feature film to be posted this week.
I was getting antsy waiting for new pictures. Sounds like all is well.
Isn't it interesting how boys come into this world obsessed with boobs, and that never changes.
HE IS SO ADORABLE!!!!! Thanks for sharing your pictures!
Come visit me in Boise. We are dying to hold Baby floyd!
i'm always dying for updates and love it when you post. yeah!!
He looks so different!
Oh! Look how cute he looks with grandma!
can't wait to get Vaughn and Floyd together! What a doll he is.. I can't believe he's already a month old!
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