It has been a busy December. Grams and Gramps Z dropped by before Christmas to deliver some gifts. Gramps thinks the boy is pretty "neat." (Classic adjective from my Dad.)

We had our annual Christmas party with the Hot Doctors Club - my preferred name for our group of friends in defiance of the previously used "A" listers - at my house on the 22nd. Erin, Erica, Cristi, Nicole,Heidi, Jen, Darci, and I got together for a minor gift exchange and dinner. Heidi and Roman got engaged as of the 21st. The hand shot above was to document Heidi's poor sad sad manicure but the pick does not do it justice. She had some strange theory about removing nail polish once you have messed up that involved painting the entirety of her fingers - strange.

The girls got to meet Floyd. He hung out for a while before heading to bed.

Erica made tortilla soup.

The next morning I woke up to a cold house. The furnace apparently konked out in the night. It was 60 degrees inside by 7 am. We dressed Floyd in his bear costume and took to calling him "Fozzie the Bear." He was oblivious to the cold. Rob and I mulled around the house in our puffy coats all day. I did get to go out and do some skiing with Erin. We very slowly skated around Mountain dell golf course. I am in bad shape. Rob spent the entire day fighting with the home warranty company and their subcontractor. The fight continued until 6 pm on Christmas Eve.

We moved into Grammy B's house on the 23rd and did not make it back into our house until the afternoon of the 25th.

It was a major downer of a Christmas for Rob and I overall eventhough we were able to spend quality time with the Beyers. Floyd was happy and warm. He is our greatest Christmas present ever any way.

This is his Elvis outfit. Notice the sweet impromtu Elvis pose. The outfit has frogs wearing crowns on it.

We settled on a nanny finally after all the stress. Bertha's daughter Micael is going to be our nanny. Floyd has become a bit of a fuss bucket. He has been holding me prisoner, hence the outfit. It is a good thing he is cute.
thanks for the update. floyd rocks the house. so sorry about the goodies getting stolen. mean people suck.
I got to get my hands on that little dude.
I can really see you in him now.
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