Floyd and I ventured up to Rexburg. A place STARWARS fans have called "Hoth" -the ice planet. Floyd was a good travel companion. He let mom sing the whole way there, and only cried when I stopped for gas. The timing of the trip was centered around the tour of the newly constructed Rexburg temple, about 200000 people toured it over the last few weeks. It about 500 yards from my dad's house.
Mary blocked out the afternoon at DermaChic for the girls to get treatments. Mugs and I got microdermabrasion and IPL (intense pulse laser) treatments, hence the snazzy protective goggles Mugs is wearing.
All the cousins played with Floyd. Grant and Ella enjoyed holding him, and took great pride their abilities to sooth the savage Floyd.

Floyd also got to meet his Great Grandpa, and namesake Charles Zollinger.
Are you looking younger
Good party
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