Floyd had his doctors appointment today at primary Children's, but he started the morning with a few tests. The first was a Nuclear medicine scan of his kidneys, so he was a little radioactive this AM. Then he had vesicouerethrogram. Fancy tests which demonstrated a "duplicated collecting system" and Grade IV reflux. -See Below-

Basically think of the kidney as a house, which is set up to be a "duplex" apartment; one house with two separate parts with distinct front doors. Well Floyd has a similar set up, with a divided kidney and two different drains -collecting systems- and one of them gets a little backed up. So he will have to be on antibiotics to prevent infection, and if the system does not stop refluxing, then he will need surgery. :(
It was a stressful day for all of us. But we are fortunate that we caught it, and if all else fails his right kidney is fine.
So sweet, baby floyd. You are in our prayers.
So sweet, baby floyd. You are in our prayers.
:( is right. oh, we'll be praying for you too. i think i cried the first time ana sneezed b/c i thought she might die. i imagine this was a little more traumatic!
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