Time seems to really fly by now that FLoyd is with us. Every moment is so new and exciting, and he is growing exponentially. It seems like forever ago he wa just a little dude, and Rob and I were total baby rookies. Now the boy has his parents trained, and we know him and his moods, what makes him laugh uncontrollably, when hi is Jonesing for some food, and when he needs to sleep. He is very advanced for is age of course too. He is on the cusp of being able to sit unassisted. Here he is wresting with dad. He pinned Rob with his Nacho libre like skills.

He has graduated from the Bumbo to sitting in the high chair when he eats his veggies. His favorites are carrots and sweet potatoes. Green beans were a no-go. He was shiver and wince with each bite-funny.

Well time goes by fast in all things other than when mom is on the night shift. I have about 9 days left of graveyard duty, but who is counting.

Floyd and I tried to take a snoozer this afternoon, but only Floyd was truly sucessful.
i finally made it to your blog! first of all, i can say that i am super lucky i get to spend so much time with your little man! he truly is a pleasure and so much fun. we love the floydster... (newest nickname in the classroom is floydee loydee dubbed by carly).
second of all... i am glad i have a way to keep in touch once i move to see the kid grow up! keep those posts coming!
floyd you look so much like my baby G-man.
I have not had pleasure to see the shiver and wince bit, however I have had pleasure of "this stuff taste like crap" gag and puke bit (literally).
It's fun to see you as a mom. I always knew you would make a good one! Good to hear graveyard is almost over that doesn't sound like alot of fun.
I have to tell you I just heard Thriller on the radio and suddenly I was back down in your basement dancing around and trying to roll ourselves up inside the hide-a-bed. Those were good time! Funny how music puts you right back in a certain period of your life.
Good luck with the little man, he looks like a good time.
You look so good!
As soon as you recover from this call we are getting together. How long has Floyd been eating food? We keep trying rice cereal and it is not going well.
My little girl hates green beans still to this day and gags everytime you give them to her. Cute pics of you and him snoozing.
Lauren, your baby is soooo cute and I was just looking at him trying to figure out who he looked like and then it dawned on me that it is Megan! Wow, I still remember her as such a cute baby.
Mary Ann
Love the quirks- hilarious! I think you are very much like your dad - so funny! Reading this reminds me of working in Madison's ER with your dad and he's got his IPOD ears in and singing outloud "I can see Daniel waving goodbye" while he's suturing some guy's wound! Nice. It was hilarious because none of us could hear the music, just your dad's rendition of the song - just a little off! (shhhhhh) So funny! Floyd is so stinking cute! I want to meet this little dude! I think he would make a great match with Thatcher - both darling! We should meet up one of these summer days! You look great, by the way!
I knew that is why Floyd is so cute he looks like me!
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