the dude has a pose, the straightened arm, extended behind him. he does it all the time. here he is in his high chair before dinner or sweet potatoes, mush, and BANANAS! This arm has stood in the way of the boy making and completing a roll-over. The arm makes it impossible to dress him, and to get him in his car seat. He does it when you hold him, or when he is in his jumperoo. What a nut.

see arm out stretched... always. see earlier
I threw the last one in because he is such a cutey. It was yellow day at school today so the boy wore he WakeForest Demon Deacons shirt.

I have been haunted by what happened to my friend's baby. There was a horrible accident, that really could not have been prevented. My heart is with her and her husband as they cope with the loss of their
daughter as they new and loved her. I have holding FLoyd a little longer, kissing him more, and thanking God for everyday I have with him. Rob is the love of my life, and Floyd is the most beautiful manifestation of that. Hug, love, kiss your family and pray for little Lucy.
How precious life is.
So dang cute he is. Everyone here is heart broken for Molly also. We need ato appreciate every minute. Life is very uncertain. 21 years in the ER taught that lesson very well.
I think he's just demonstrating the "waiter's tip" palsy as he is certainly a future Mark Nielson star.
Did you get my email?
And I am very sorry to hear about your friend. My heart goes out to them and you.
Tears. I have been crying for 3 days straight. Every day with our children is a gift.
Lauren that is so sad, it makes me sick. You just never know, usually your kids are so predictable and I can see how this was so unexpected and scary. My thoughts are with your friend.
Hi Lauren,
I miss the Floydster so much! I am sure you have heard by now but I am not at BHFS anymore. I will be putting a letter to you and him in your mailbox tomorrow at school so make sure you get it. I wanted to tell you when I saw you last week but thought I should talk to my boss first. So sorry about your friend life is so hard sometimes. Give them my love, and I will be praying for them! give Floyd a kiss for me tonight thanks Alisha
Thanks for thinking of Lucy. Prayers were answered, just not in the way we expected. I love your blog. Floyd is seriously, seriouly adorable! Much above the average adorableness of babies. Isn't being a parent the greatest?
Amy Bice Larson
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