Well this is it. The last night of my Graveyard shifts. It has been a trying month for the JonesZees family unit. We could not have done it with out all the support from our friends and family. Rob's Mom and Lanny were invaluable to us when then they out a few weeks back. Grammy Beyer has stepped up and babysit the dude on a whim and helped clean up the house. Grams and Gramps Z helped out with encouragement and a few nights out on the town for dinner at, where else, Market Street. And of course all of my friends and family on the blog circuit offering support, praise, and entertainment.
My boys had another weekend together. They are a pair. FLoyd lights up when his dad walks in the room. Rob insists that he has been saying "dadda", but I remind him that last week the boy was saying "mamma.' I swear! He is advanced for his age.
I wish we had more time...I know some great hikes that the kids would love. Floyd looks so at home in the backpack. Love it!
Congrats on being done! I bet Floyd is as excited as you are.
Hey we have the same backpack! We've used it a ton. Congrats on finishing nights. Wish all my nights were done but I think that will only happen when I retire...
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