Saturday, July 26, 2008

Here comes trouble

The dude is mobile, auto-mobile. He has developed a hybrid means of transportation, which is the "in" thing to do-the foot crawl. One knee down, and one foot to push. It makes for a crooked crawl, but it gets the job done. He can readily wiggle across the floor, pick up Porter's bone, and put it in his mouth. He progressed quite quickly from the wounded soldier-army crawl to the hybrid foot crawl. It required a quick trip to the store for a baby gate. I thought this would be a simple, straight forward task. But going to the store with Rob, where there are usually crowds of people, is a difficult task. Add to it that it was 104 degrees outside, this compounds the stress of shopping. Rob stood reading the specs for the baby gates for a good 4o minutes in Target. I thought we had made a choice when he stopped to look up the gates on consumer reports prior to purchase. Next thing I know we are leaving Target and on our way to Babys'r'us. I never thought I would hear Rob say "lets go to babys'r'us." I was as shocked as when he started reading "Harry Potter".  He successfully installed the gate. We also lowered his crib mattress. In the nick of time I might add. Now you can find the dude trying to push his face through the bars to get out.


MZB said...

Watch out her comes Floyd!

stephgardner said...

He is soooo cute!

So please excuse the lack of comments lately. As you may recall we got this new mac and it took some time to remember your blogspot as it was not bookmarked in the new computer and the old one is in the garage. (By the way, not totally loving the mac despite your glowing praise - old habits are hard to break!)

Leslie said...

Love the army crawl. Edie never did get the real crawl figured out. It was all army until she got onto her two feet and started walking. Cute!

AlishaAdesign said...

miss you Floyd, we need to hang soon I want to see this hybrid crawl of yours

Grant said...

See ya at Sun Valley Floyd. I want to see that crawl

Mistie said...

Sunvalley? Thats my neck of the woods. Floyd is so adorable. Have I told you that lately?