So a new kid is about to move into the neighborhood. Hanni is prego, and due very soon, 3 weeks or so. Jules, Udy, and I had a little party for her at my house. Hanni made me swear that I would not put a picture of her on the blog, and I mostly kept my promise...her foot is visible in the lower right corner of the photo of me and Rachee Roo Jones.

It is always fun to get the clan together. I forget how great we all are...E.H.S!
It is amazing that we are all 30+ years old. Seems like yesterday we all donned pantyhose over our faces, crammed into my mom's jeep, and attacked Mrs.Parker's house.
what is NKOTB
grant - new kids on the block
cute pics. fun to see the girlie girls. hi ladies!
You should of snapped a photo of her. What a special time it is to be pregnant. Best wishes with her new arrival
Wow, what a blast from the past! Hanni has a very nice foot. I am glad you left it in the picture! Adam and Whitley visited us today and he showed me your blog. Cute baby! Come check out our blog if you get bored. thedutsonfive.blogspot.com
long live the clan.
still hot after all these years.
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