We knew they were coming...he has been drooling for months. They were not here this morning. But by 5 pm they had peeked there way through the gums. How did I discover the change you ask. Well lets just say his teeth are sharp...this may me a deal breaker for the breastfeeding Dude.
WOW! it never ceases to amaze me how photogenic this dude is!!! i miss him a lot and am glad i can still get the updates on him. hope all is going well with you. we are LOVING radiology residency... whoever wanted to be a surgeon is NUTS!
hey so ya it was hard to leave Cali but now that I am back I really think that I should come see you all! looking at these pics he is getting to be a kid not a baby. Anyway thanks for the comment chat later
I have to agree that he is super handsome. Sorry about the biting thing but let's put it this way - you've already way outlasted me on the breastfeeding, and life was so much better not dragging around the stupid pump.
Teeth were my deal breaker! He get his photogenic aptness from me!
Good thing he has those orthopedic binkies for those teeth... no buck teeth for the little dude! Trust me...
Whoa, that boy is growin' up. More handsome every day.
GO FLOYD! Can't wait to see you Floyd! Margot
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