I have had my nose to the books for the last few weeks, with Rob breathing down my neck to study. He of course left town for a weekend with his buddies which makes studying a little difficult. Seeing as I had to entertain the dude. Rob left the morning Floyd decided to puke his Sweet potato and apple breakfast all over with me. Rob was just waiting for me to drop the hammer and put the brakes on his boys-weekend, but I let him go. I did my best to study with Floyd in one arm, holding him at arms length from my desk so he did not pound on the computer keyboard. We went on a 30 mile bike ride together- he did great in the trailer. And we took a walk to see "Little-big-Joe-Cooley." This is their 8 month photo. They are both 9 months old now.
i love floyd. he is for sure the cutest floyd ever to exist, but even more, he is possibly the cutest little dude ever to exist.
good luck with your exam. you'll rock it. nothing like a little shake to the confidence to set you up to become an expert. i'm sure you'll do fantastic this time.
and i'm sure it was a shocker. you never fail anything. in fact, i don't know that you ever fell below a 95 on anything. my point is: you'll rock the physics party.
um...... Lauren you should really call me sometime to come watch the Dude! Not only do I miss him, but I could help you study better if needed. Seriously when can I came see you all? My car is still dead but......... I am going car shopping this weekend so hopefully by next week I will have a new car to come see you all in :)
We know you will be great! What we also want to know is what is on Floyds shirt?
"one man wrecking crew"
I need Floyd to visit me! Why don't you bring him over to me for your anniversary and you can go to Sun Valley or McCall.
Little Joe has quite the SMILE. What a cute guy.
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