Yep, I am behind. I will catch you up.
-Survive Family camping trip ....Check
-Boards ....Check
-Residency ...Check
-Basement Remodel ...Check
-Begin Fellowship ...Check
-Surviving the hot summer, pregnant kind of

My sis and I took my mom to Las Vegas the end of June to celebrate her upcoming 60th birthday. I will be to pregnant in September to undertake any major travel plans, see. We had a great time, despite the 110 degree heat, oh and the cigarette smoke. We did a lot of shopping and hit the swimming pool whenever possible.

Rob had to head home to North Carolina for the 4th of July, so Floyd and I headed up to Rexburg for the annual Whoopee Days Celebration. Our washer and dryer were on the fritz for several weeks as part of our basement remodel. So I packed up the laundry and headed to Rexburg. Hence, the dude did not have a swimming suit for the water park. He played in the fountains until his diaper exploded.

After a month of living in squalor, we finally finished the basement. I was most excited about our new washer and dryer. Grammy B made Floyders a house out of the boxes. It has been good for entertainment indoors, and out of the heat.

It has been a busy summer. We have not had a weekend home since June, but we have managed to have a few adventures. Most recently we went to a cabin in Oakley, Utah with some friends of ours. Rob was excited to take Floydee fishing. He bought a Zebco 3000 for the occasion. The dude landed his first rainbow trout, and he was naked to boot.