Well I went back to work this week, or merely resurfaced. My research continues to be on hold while I wait for a new MRI machine to be installed.
Floyd and I have adjusted well I think, mainly because I am so happy with our Nanny! It is Mical Vargas, the famous Bertha Vargas' daughter. FLoyd smiles at her the whole day. She sings to him and hates to leave him at the end of the day. Our family unit could not be happier.
Floyd keeps us all entertained. He has been a little fussy the last couple of nights, keeping mom and dad in the house at night rather than out on the town. Which is okay as we have been busy with Grams and Gramps Leslie last week. We did our best to entertain them, which included tubing and snowmobile-ing. Floyd was of coarse their favorite part of the trip.
Little Floyd can't wait to see you
he's looking more like rob
gets cuter every day!
He is adorable.
And I love the sock monkey blanket.
-Jen M.
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