Look at that adorable face, and the smirking smile....
He is quickly becoming the most popular boy at school. Here he is with Kagari. I dropped him off the other day and went to work as always...late. When I picked him up later that day, I did not get the sweet, pristine, smirking smiling face boy back....instead I got "SCARFACE" (new nickname). The dude scratched his sweet little face below his left eye with his "Wolverine" (nickname number 2) like nails.
An incident report was filed by the daycare, which read much like a police report. "Floyd Jones was playing on the floor with his toys. It was 0815 A.M. Kristin King and Helga Olsen were in the room. Floyd Jones scratched himself under his left eye. Blood was noted on his hands and face. A cold compress was applied...."
This is what the Wolverine did to his precious little face. Dad tried to give him a manicure and accidently snipped the skin on Floyd's thumb, which was another bleeder.
Floyd survived it all, and with all the bloodloss he wanted to remind his readers about the importance of universal precautions, and to show his support for AIDS awareness.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Say hello to my little friend....
Sunday, April 20, 2008
the Floydster
I held tight to what I planned to name the boy up until the last minute. A few people knew Rob and I were considering the name Floyd, but I was hesitant to say much to anyone about it. I wanted to avoid those awkward moments when you finely spill the beans and then have some one say, "you are not naming him Floyd," or "where did that name come from", or "no really, tell me what you are going to name him," or, "what kind of parent names there son Floyd," etc, etc.
Well now that he is here, do any of you doubters belive that there could have been a better name for the boy, he is the coolest Floyd that everyone will ever know. -FACT
My mom was in denial for a while there...she called shortly after Flyd was born and talked to my sister Magan. The dialogue was as follows:
Mom: What are you doing?
Magan: I am just holding bay Floyd.
Mom: Is that what they named him?
I think my mom struggled most with the inability to easily convert the name Floyd into a catchy nickname. She kept telling everyone she ran into, behind my back, that she planned to call him "Chaz", a play on his first name. (Charles Floyd Jones). I put the kiabosh on that pretty quick and forbid her to do so. Then there was Grandma Leslie, who took to calling him Charles-Floyd, like it was one compound name, Rob nipped that in the bud too.
Nicknames naturally develop, we all have them. The evolution of nicknames is even more interseting. I ran accross an article on the adventures of nicknaming while surfing through the blog scene in the middle of the night.
Floyd's nicknames:
the boy
the dude
Pupe Fiasco -see previous post with the same name
Gramma's boy
Rob's Nicknames:
Dr. Bob Jones
Bob Jones
Lauren's Nicknames
Lolly Pickle
Z money
Dr. Z
Floyd's Mom
Dr. Mrs. Dr. Bob Jones
Sweet Cheater
Porter (the Dog)
Master P
Black Dog
Fat girl
lets try this - TAG - tell me your nicknames.
Well now that he is here, do any of you doubters belive that there could have been a better name for the boy, he is the coolest Floyd that everyone will ever know. -FACT
My mom was in denial for a while there...she called shortly after Flyd was born and talked to my sister Magan. The dialogue was as follows:
Mom: What are you doing?
Magan: I am just holding bay Floyd.
Mom: Is that what they named him?
I think my mom struggled most with the inability to easily convert the name Floyd into a catchy nickname. She kept telling everyone she ran into, behind my back, that she planned to call him "Chaz", a play on his first name. (Charles Floyd Jones). I put the kiabosh on that pretty quick and forbid her to do so. Then there was Grandma Leslie, who took to calling him Charles-Floyd, like it was one compound name, Rob nipped that in the bud too.
Nicknames naturally develop, we all have them. The evolution of nicknames is even more interseting. I ran accross an article on the adventures of nicknaming while surfing through the blog scene in the middle of the night.
Floyd's nicknames:
the boy
the dude
Pupe Fiasco -see previous post with the same name
Gramma's boy
Rob's Nicknames:
Dr. Bob Jones
Bob Jones
Lauren's Nicknames
Lolly Pickle
Z money
Dr. Z
Floyd's Mom
Dr. Mrs. Dr. Bob Jones
Sweet Cheater
Porter (the Dog)
Master P
Black Dog
Fat girl
lets try this - TAG - tell me your nicknames.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
letting go part deux

In other news, my blog has been discovered by my bestest childhood friend-Jefferey Rasmussen a.k.a Monkey. We would play for hours on the trampoline, or football in the front yard, golfing, riding dirt bikes, swimming, and riding ATV's.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Letting Go
Growing up is hard to do. Floyd had is 4 month vaccinations the other day. He did pretty well considering he got 4 shots. He stopped crying as soon as I picked him up. We had a little dinner party with the Cooley's and the Joneses. Rob had hopes that his boy would be able to take little Joe Cooley in a wrestling match...but he learned quickly that would not be the case. Little-big Joe (LBJ) Cooley, as he will now be called, has 4lbs on Floyd...he is one hunk of love. The two chilled together while their parents ate dinner. Little Olivia Jones was there two; Floyd and LBJ were warned to stay away from her by her daddy Josh.
It was so nice to have Mical at home with Floyd during the day these last few months, but alas work schedules made it a difficult arrangement to maintain. Although daycare was always our ultimate plan, these last few months were great for all of us.
This week is going to be tough for many reasons, Floyd to daycare, mom to graveyards, daddy on call. If we make it through this week it will be free sailing.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

We gave the whole "cry it out" method a try the other day...we are suckers though. The boy outs on a good show, sounds like he is suffering, and choking on his own tears, but when you go in the room to rescue him from certain peril...he puts on a cheeky little grin and giggles at you. "wanna play mommy?"
Funny as it may seem, his dad copes the exact same way.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Pupe Fiasco

Thats Pupe' - like Lupe with a "P"-.
How do you know when the diapers are too small. The Kirkland 1-2 diapers from cosco have been is "calvin klein" undergarments of choice up to now. They do not seem to small when you attach them to his spastic body in the midst of his naked dance. But I cannot seem to dress him in any outfit without a major structural breech of the diapers, namely the poop shoots up his crack instead of down into the diaper resevoir. I ask all you wise subscribers to my blog...is it time for the "2's?"
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
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