Thats Pupe' - like Lupe with a "P"-.
How do you know when the diapers are too small. The Kirkland 1-2 diapers from cosco have been is "calvin klein" undergarments of choice up to now. They do not seem to small when you attach them to his spastic body in the midst of his naked dance. But I cannot seem to dress him in any outfit without a major structural breech of the diapers, namely the poop shoots up his crack instead of down into the diaper resevoir. I ask all you wise subscribers to my blog...is it time for the "2's?"
I'm so glad I was able to meet this little dude when his Grandma B brought him to Austin and Ally's birthday party. Sorry we couldn't meet up with you too. I've realized diapers work best when they fit oversized, not little and tight. I say he's definitely ready for a size 2, and probably a size 3 pretty soon. I think I put Jack in size 3 at 4 or 5 months, and we never had blowout with him like we did with Austin who always wore the diapers small. Of course, some babies just have an amazing way of shooting the poop the wrong direction entirely no matter how hard you try to prevent it.
I asked mistie this question just the other day because my daughter is one and is only in size 3 pampers cruisers her theory is the tabs should touch in the front? No idea we had afew major blowouts at this age due to quantity no diaper in the world could have held it all.
Your post always make giggle! Floyd is so big and from the looks of it quite a ladies man despite the new diaper issue!
It doesn't matter what size the diaper is, the poop chute thing happens regardless. Wait until he can sit up. This diverts the pressure of the poo directly up the back. There has been several incidences where I came close to cutting off Avery's onsie for fear of smearing the poo in her hair.
You dude I sent you an invite...you should be getting it any day now. It is June 14!
That's a big Yes, No one wants poop up their crack! In my opinion The bigger the better, I'm soon going to bring home some adult diapers and throw them on her! ;) Olivia grew out of 1 and 2's quickly, she is now in 3's and they're the only one's to really have some longevity!
By-the-way, the poop in the hair along with an instand bath does happen occasionally but if it becomes a daily occurance that's when you'll really know!
I would change to a 2. Graham is in a 2 and it seems to be working out. The 1-2 kirklands just seemed to be getting a little to small but they were still fitting so I understand the dilemma.
On another note he looks so adorable! Look at those eyes. I love him already.
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interestingly, ana had a science fair yesterday. one kid tested diapers for their leak-proofness. i know you were asking about #2, but i can only offer suggestions on #1.
luvs held the most water without leaking. 5 cups. too bad they stink so bad. don't know if i could use them even if i needed to. ugg.
good luck with pupe suave.
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