Floyd has quickly become the most popular boy at school. All the girls love him. Today they went for a cruise. Notice he is sitting in the back (red arrow) where the cool kids always sit. I have disquised his classmates as I did not receive writtin permission to post pictures of their children online. Not that I needed to, but I thought it was funny.

Floyd thought the ride was awesome.

This is what he looked like after his second day of school. He is loving it.

Speaking of letting go. I have a stockpile of breast milk as you can see, and I am freaked to use it. I am becoming a little obsessive about the breast feeding thing. I am always worrying about it; when I should pump?; do I have time to pump?; if I wait to long will my supply drop?;is floyd getting enough to eat?; if I pump now will I have enoughto feed him later?; blah blah, blah. I am going a little nuts. Should I stop or keep going, seeing is I am still producing about 24 ounces a day-no joke.
In other news, my blog has been discovered by my bestest childhood friend-
Jefferey Rasmussen a.k.a Monkey. We would play for hours on the trampoline, or football in the front yard, golfing, riding dirt bikes, swimming, and riding ATV's.
Floyd is the coolest dude ever!
that is so cute, all those babies 'rollin' with their homies'!
I LOVE that monkey guy too. I still think of him and smile. Jeff, where you at?
That's an insane amount of milk. Your awesome!
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