Look at that adorable face, and the smirking smile....
He is quickly becoming the most popular boy at school. Here he is with Kagari. I dropped him off the other day and went to work as always...late. When I picked him up later that day, I did not get the sweet, pristine, smirking smiling face boy back....instead I got "SCARFACE" (new nickname). The dude scratched his sweet little face below his left eye with his "Wolverine" (nickname number 2) like nails.
An incident report was filed by the daycare, which read much like a police report. "Floyd Jones was playing on the floor with his toys. It was 0815 A.M. Kristin King and Helga Olsen were in the room. Floyd Jones scratched himself under his left eye. Blood was noted on his hands and face. A cold compress was applied...."
This is what the Wolverine did to his precious little face. Dad tried to give him a manicure and accidently snipped the skin on Floyd's thumb, which was another bleeder.
Floyd survived it all, and with all the bloodloss he wanted to remind his readers about the importance of universal precautions, and to show his support for AIDS awareness.
Do not call him F-Bomb!
It won't be too long before he makes a trip to the Er for stitches as all good boys do. Unless he happens to be in Rexburg and we do them on the kitchen counter.
I didn't realize that they do incident reports for things like that but I guess if I was picking up my child and there was a scratch I'd want to know how it happened. Kinda funny though.
ew, i clipped some skin off ana's finger once too. still gives me the willies to think about. and she won't let me near her now with the cilppers!
Matt cuts our boys nails because it freaks me out. I need to get over it!
Floyd is so cute. His eyes are so beautiful. What is he wearing? Leg/sock things? Where do you get them?
wow. that is one terribly cute kid. really. wow.
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