Wednesday, May 14, 2008


My quirks: tell me yours............

1. I like to read the phone book. (so does my dad)
2. If I eat something spicy I MUST HAVE CHOCOLATE to follow!
3. I believe I was Mexican in my previous life.
4. I stu-u-dd-er or stammer over my words when I am tired (so does my dad)
5.I don't brush my hair........very often. Maybe once a week. I wash it to avoid dreadlock formation though.
6.I sing out loud in the graocery store, unabashedly. Especially when "Easy Lover" by Phil Collins comes on.
7. I am allergic to earrings.
8. I like to pick zits and black is a very powerful compulsion to avoid.


MZB said...

I am also a grocery store back up singer. My favorite is Penny Lover by Lionel Richie.

Anonymous said...

I have a compulsion to read you blog everyday. I also have a hard time avoiding making puns. I LOVE a clean house... but I have a really hard time maintaining one... a really hard time. And now YOU are responsible for my guilty pleasure of watching the America's Next Top Model marathon.

The Clark said...

lauren watches america's next top model?????????????