Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Ice Planet

Floyd and I ventured up to Rexburg. A place STARWARS fans have called "Hoth" -the ice planet. Floyd was a good travel companion. He let mom sing the whole way there, and only cried when I stopped for gas. The timing of the trip was centered around the tour of the newly constructed Rexburg temple, about 200000 people toured it over the last few weeks. It about 500 yards  from my dad's house. 
Mary blocked out the afternoon at DermaChic for the girls to get treatments. Mugs and I got microdermabrasion and IPL (intense pulse laser) treatments, hence the snazzy protective goggles Mugs is wearing. 
All the cousins played with Floyd. Grant and Ella enjoyed holding him, and took great pride their abilities to sooth the savage Floyd.
Floyd also got to meet his Great Grandpa, and namesake Charles Zollinger.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

Snow day

Today was a snowy MLK day. FLoyd and I were up at 4am for his first breakfast. It was just starting to snow then. By 7 am and his second breakfast, 6+ inches were on the ground. I think all-in-all we got a foot at our house. We had our friends the Deems in town this weekend. Snow always seems to arrive when Greg Deem is in town. We Grandma Bertha cook us a home made mexican dinner, Enchiladas with rice and beans, and home made tomatillo salsa. Mical of course was there to help out. She loves Floyd. Sunday I got up to Solitude for some skate skiing thanks to Grammy Beyer watching the Floyd-ster. 
Today Floyd let me ride my bike (inside of coarse) then we danced a little in the morning, and then we napped together in the basement.  Back to the grind tomorrow.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Come over to my Crib

Floyd and I are getting to know each other pretty well I would say. He knows when I want to sleep, and he thinks that this is party time. I know when he needs to sleep, and he thinks it is party time.

He is developing a bit of a sleep routine. He seems to wake up at 3am and 6am like clockwork over the last week. After his first breakfast with mom he usually likes to kick it in his crib watching his mobile for about an hour or so. Some times he falls asleep on his own, other days he wants his second breakfast. Mical -super nanny- is really getting to know him too. 

Monday, January 14, 2008


He is so excited to be able to play with his cousins and friends. Come visit us!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The aftermath

I was warned. Mainly by second hand horror stories from the "hot doctors" way back in the fall when Nicole came to visit. I heard more stories from Susanah, Susie, and another loud outspoken chick at Julie's shower. But I had to go through with it, I has already invested 39 weeks, 8 hours of labor, and 2 hours of pushing. And look at my reward...the most beautiful baby in the world!
I cannot imagine life without him. Incontinence and mild rectal prolapse is a small price to pay for such a beautiful boy. Yes Grant, your Aunt Lulu pee'd her pants today. Someday when you will understand!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

back to work

Well I went back to work this week, or merely resurfaced. My research continues to be on hold while I wait for a new MRI machine to be installed. 
Floyd and I have adjusted well I think, mainly because I am so happy with our Nanny! It is Mical Vargas, the famous Bertha Vargas' daughter. FLoyd smiles at her the whole day. She sings to him and hates to leave him at the end of the day. Our family unit could not be happier.
Floyd keeps us all entertained. He has been a little fussy the last couple of nights, keeping mom and dad in the house at night rather than out on the town. Which is okay as we have been busy with Grams and Gramps Leslie last week. We did our best to entertain them, which included tubing and snowmobile-ing. Floyd was of coarse their favorite part of the trip.

Monday, January 7, 2008

He may not have teeth...

But he can eat like a champ. 10.2 lbs!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Radioactive Baby!

Floyd had his doctors appointment today at primary Children's, but he started the morning with a few tests. The first was a Nuclear medicine scan of his kidneys, so he was a little radioactive this AM. Then he had vesicouerethrogram. Fancy tests which demonstrated a "duplicated collecting system" and Grade IV reflux. -See Below-
Basically think of the kidney as a house, which is set up to be a "duplex" apartment; one house with two separate parts with distinct front doors.  Well Floyd has a similar set up, with a divided kidney and two different drains -collecting systems- and one of them gets a little backed up. So he will have to be on antibiotics to prevent infection, and if the system does not stop refluxing, then he will need surgery. :(

It was a stressful day for all of us. But we are fortunate that we caught it, and if all else fails his right kidney is fine.