Sunday, April 20, 2008

the Floydster

I held tight to what I planned to name the boy up until the last minute. A few people knew Rob and I were considering the name Floyd, but I was hesitant to say much to anyone about it. I wanted to avoid those awkward moments when you finely spill the beans and then have some one say, "you are not naming him Floyd," or "where did that name come from", or "no really, tell me what you are going to name him," or, "what kind of parent names there son Floyd," etc, etc.

Well now that he is here, do any of you doubters belive that there could have been a better name for the boy, he is the coolest Floyd that everyone will ever know. -FACT

My mom was in denial for a while there...she called shortly after Flyd was born and talked to my sister Magan. The dialogue was as follows:

Mom: What are you doing?

Magan: I am just holding bay Floyd.

Mom: Is that what they named him?

I think my mom struggled most with the inability to easily convert the name Floyd into a catchy nickname. She kept telling everyone she ran into, behind my back, that she planned to call him "Chaz", a play on his first name. (Charles Floyd Jones). I put the kiabosh on that pretty quick and forbid her to do so. Then there was Grandma Leslie, who took to calling him Charles-Floyd, like it was one compound name, Rob nipped that in the bud too.

Nicknames naturally develop, we all have them. The evolution of nicknames is even more interseting. I ran accross an article on the adventures of nicknaming while surfing through the blog scene in the middle of the night.

Floyd's nicknames:
the boy
the dude
Pupe Fiasco -see previous post with the same name
Gramma's boy

Rob's Nicknames:
Dr. Bob Jones
Bob Jones

Lauren's Nicknames
Lolly Pickle
Z money
Dr. Z
Floyd's Mom
Dr. Mrs. Dr. Bob Jones
Sweet Cheater

Porter (the Dog)
Master P
Black Dog
Fat girl

lets try this - TAG - tell me your nicknames.


The Clark said...

great post. at the beginning of it i thought you were going to announce that you had changed his name.

loving black dog (LZ reference)

hey, has anyone ever called you Led Zep? i think that should be your new pseudonym.

Led Zep & Purple Floyd. ROCK ON!!!

Leslie said...

Ya, nice post. I, too, thought you were going to announce that you had changed Floyd's name. But alas, maybe it's growing on me a LITTLE.

Bateman's Latest Kill said...

You sure get creative at 3 a.m. so I am using your brillant idea for my own blog. Thanks.

MZB said...

Luluta is my favorite. I need to get some floyd time!

The Clark said...

you forgot lorna doone

LZ said...

yep I forgot a few. Lorna doone was a birchie Weimer special. I made all the nieces and nephews call me captain Lulu when I was driving the minivan to Disneyland a few years back.

No I would not change the dude's name it is too awesome. I forgot that he is also the F-dude.

Leslie said...

F-dude! HaHaHa!

Rasmussens said...

The Floydster looks like a stud! It serves you right. And the name is excellent I love it. Getting on your blog at 5AM now thats crazy!

cmz^3 said...

Cheerz on the Lalz

Anonymous said...

You are unbelievable. I thought Floyd couldn't get any cuter when I met him in January -- but it's happening -- he's so damn cute!!

By the way, your vacation pictures are beautiful. But you are obviously spending too much time on your trainer and not enough eating chocolate covered peanuts.