Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yuck Mouth

I couldn't sleep last weekend. It could have been that Floyd was kicking me in the face, or the fact that Rob was out of town, or maybe it was the sharp pain radiating from my upper teeth. I started convincing myself that I had an abscess cooking in my face, and would require emergency dental work, you know, worse case scenario type stuff. I made it into the dentist on Monday afternoon, and a grim future of expensive painful dental work was painted for me...can't wait.


stephgardner said...

Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon!

MZB said...

Glad to see it is not always me paying the dentist

cmz^3 said...

My dad bought his dentist a new boat last year... Freaking garbage mouth.

AlishaAdesign said...

The dentist is no fun! But........... on a better thought I really LOVE The picture of Floyd with the dump truck very cute